laser beam focus > casting wide nets

a testimonial

we love our clients

Gravity Jack is an awesome client of ours and we love them… so much! they had a problem that isn’t so common for most businesses: funding their revolutionary mobile augmented reality game. this was brandch’s first introduction to creating campaigns that are targeted towards increasing funds. but there was one thing we learned quickly that we want to save you time in: it all comes down to communicating your value to your audience.

whether your project is big or small, the success of your campaign comes down to being able to fufill that equation.

communicating + your value + to your audience.

and while this sounds like a simple job, what factors you plug into the equation makes some small projects hard, and some big projects easy.

like this
communicating (social media, email marketing, press) + your value (creating a revolutionary mobile game that benefits marginalized communities) + your audience (tech investors and altruistic entrepreneurs) = marketing for gravity jack’s campaign

by using this equation, you can carefully craft a way to create success. we helped gravity jack raise over $360k in in funding! 💰

so- here’s how we can help you find your audience and craft a message to communicate your value to them ⬇️

finding your audience + communicating value

before we began working with Gravity Jack, they had 1 channel for finding new clients for the software development company.

they targeted customers searching on google for augmented reality development- which was working to an extent, and had a glass ceiling for growth. so what did we do?


  1. segmented their audience into the different types of clients they’ve had in the past. simply we established the industries they’ve served.

  2. created small websites dedicated to only that target client

  3. wrote all the copy & designed all graphics surrounding the problems that a single client is facing

what was the result? we moved the lead cost down 35% and improved the amount of quality leads, saving them time on the phone with unqualified leads.


  • speak to only one type of customer.

  • research what customers are craving with your solution.

  • understand your value.

  • understand how to position your value, to different audiences.